I have Been ill with a cold so have not done a blog post for a bit. But Luckily I Was better in
time to go for a walk with my sister Jo and her husband Nick AND a dog Called Poppy that
my Sister Was dogsiting. My dog (Sophia) Loved Poppy and had a great time playing with
her. here are some photos of Poppy and the walk.
Both of them impossible photograph
Poppy was very Interested in the sheep very very interested in the sheep
and the sheep where very interested in us.
I stayed at my sister's house for a sleepover so me and Poppy Went her Work with her.
here are some photos
playing with new Ball
my sister (Jo)
I went to a Lecture on Public Choice Theory By my Dad 'who is a Professor at Nottingham
l thoroughly enjoyed myself and had a lovely day.
Here are some photos.
My nots
My Dad working
My Dads offers
art I did in the day